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  • TEFAP: Why Some Food Banks Say, ‘No Thanks’
    by Chris Costanzo on July 24, 2024 at 1:38 pm

    It’s fair to say that most food banks generally appreciate the Emergency Food Assistance Program. It’s the only federal nutrition program specifically geared toward food banks, providing them with a wide variety of fresh, frozen and canned foods. Most of […]

  • Zilch Program Seeks to Zero Out Food Waste
    by Chris Costanzo on July 23, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    Two years in the making, Second Harvest Inland Northwest recently unveiled an initiative aimed at sourcing way more food, while ensuring absolutely none of it goes to waste. The name of the program underscores its goal:  Zilch, as in zero waste. The two-part […]

  • Ohio Food Bank Cultivates Innovation, Community on Farm
    by Chris Costanzo on July 23, 2024 at 2:16 am

    There are lots of reasons for food banks to have farms, and most of them don’t have to do primarily with distributing food. That’s the case at Mid-Ohio Food Collective, which is building a farm of the future consisting of high-tech growing spaces and […]

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“We believe that no one should go hungry and we are proud to be a part of our country’s fight to end hunger.”

Denton McLane

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