Customizable Backpacks

Customizable Backpacks

Hunger Doesn’t End When the Bell Rings

Children face food insecurity and disrupted eating patterns at a substantially higher rate outside of school. While federally assisted school programs provide children free or reduced-price meals on campus, they, unfortunately, don’t follow them home. Backpack Feeding Programs are a simple, effective tool to bridge the weekend or holiday gaps, and are designed to be discrete so students can easily slip them in their school bag before they head home. Talk with our team today about building a shelf-stable, nutritious backpack menu that works for your organization.

Food Spread That Is Available In The Backpack Feeding Programs

Fully Customizable To Fit Your Needs

We work with you to build a backpack menu and package that meets your needs with our wide variety of entrees, snacks, juices, and packaging opportunities. Because we work with partners on feeding programs across the country, we can also offer several popular menus to choose from to get your program moving.

Example Menu for Backpack Meals Program

Customize Your Menu

Customize your menu to fit the needs of your organization and community. We can also build menus that meet USDA guidelines for reimbursement.  Some of our most popular backpack menus consist of: 2 entrees, 2 cereals, 2 fruit cups, 2 juice boxes, and 1 milk.

Cellophane Packaging That Can Include A Reseable Feature

Seal It or Zip It

Include a resealable feature and allow your organization the opportunity to toss in your own promotional flyers or items after they arrive at your door.  With this feature, you also help children avoid spillage in their personal backpacks after they open the meal package. In addition, the food stays together, easily-accessible, and convenient. The feature is added to the clear cellophane packaging and arrives distribution-ready, making it easy for your organization to present to schools.  There are two options: a fully sealed backpack and a press-to-seal resealable backpack.

Involve Your Community In The Backpack Meal

Feed The Mind

Providing children with non-perishable, nourishing foods creates an environment for children to focus on learning instead of growling tummies. With this, you can further build on the importance of education. Incorporate a theme and educate children on a range of subjects while you feed their bodies. Create themed activities on the cardboard trays and strengthen their knowledge in educational subjects like food nutrition, history, and even music. 

Brand Your Backpack Meal With Branded Cardboard Activity Trays

Brand Your Organization

Share information about your organization and offer donors branding opportunities with branded activity cardboard trays and informational brochures. With this add-on, you have the opportunity to amplify the voice of your organization and drive awareness. 

Packed with nutritious, shelf-stable foods, backpack meals are kid-friendly and arrive distribution-ready.

Boy at school with backpack.

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